Sunday, August 1, 2010

Light show

Today Martin did some errands like getting us HK mobile phone numbers. Once we knew the sun had slipped behind the building in mid-afternoon we returned to the pool which was much busier today. Theo continues to improve his swimming, which I guess makes sense considering his London swim lessons were 30 minutes once a week and he is now swimming for hours at a time. Quentin swam a little bit and then took a major nap. I'm hoping to condition him to take a nap after swimming so that I might have a little time alone in the pool with Theo on weekdays.

After swimming we went to the harbor light show which occurs every night at 8 pm. The light show is pretty exciting as it consists of coordinated flashing of lights on multiple skyscrapers on the Hong Kong Island side to music.

At bed time I continued to read Theo The Little Prince, which he is enjoying. For those of you who know Theo well you can appreciate that he giggles whenever the author mentions that 'the little prince never let go of a question once he asked it'. I've told Theo that as well as blonde hair he shares this trait with the little prince.

It was great to have Martin around all day for Saturday and Sunday - we will miss him during the work week.

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